Bartlett: Stephen (1959 – 1964)

In 1965 I joined Spillers Limited, the flour milling company, as a sales trainee.

Between 1967 and 1978 I worked in sales in the North and East Ridings of Yorkshire. This was followed by various management appointments covering parts of the North Lincolnshire, East Midlands and Scotland.

In 1988 I became general manager for the North East and Scotland, based in Newcastle. In 197 I also became responsible for sales to group owned businesses in Europe.

I left Spillers in 2003, following a company take over, and joined Carr’s Milling Industries, whose operations covered Northern England and Scotland. In 2004 I also became responsible for Carr’s Irish subsidiary company.

I retired from full time business in 2008 and since then have carried out a limited amount of consultancy projects. I currently live near Beverley, in East Yorkshire.