We are delighted to inform OS of Richard Wilkinson’s (Head 1974-85) newly published work on Lloyd George, available from all good bookshops and on-line.
“David Lloyd George left a profound political legacy, despite being described by the wife of his successor, Herbert Asquith, as a ‘gambler without foresight’. He is, of course, best known as the Prime Minister who led Britain to victory in World War I, but his contribution to domestic politics was similarly impressive. As Chancellor of the Exchequer he introduced pensions and national insurance against sickness and unemployment, while as Prime Minister he extended democracy by giving votes to women. Yet Lloyd George was compromised by his flaws as a human being. Vain, cruel, capricious and dishonest, at times his notoriously corrupt nature threatened to damage the British political system.”
Some Reviews:
“Providing a unique new perspective on one of the most phenomenally-talented but also one of the most phenomenally-flawed of British Prime Ministers, this book will be essential reading for anyone interested in modern British politics and history.”(Amazon)
“Wilkinson’s captivating prose throughout is vigorous, direct, and often amusing and thought-provoking. There is not a dull page in the book from cover to cover. At the same time, its purpose is entirely serious.” (G Wales)
“The question posed by the book has still to be answered: statesman or scoundrel? A bit of both, concludes Wilkinson, with the balance tipped in favour of the consummate politician.” (Daily Mail Fri 9th March 2018). The full review is available on: