
Mount Snowdon in a Wheelchair – message from Jason Liversidge

“Just over two weeks I achieved what many people thought foolhardy, crazy or even impossible. I became the first person to reach the summit of Mount Snowdon in an electric wheelchair and I have Motor Neurone Disease! It was tough, really tough but still in comparison to the MND journey, a walk in the park. Having an amazing team behind me, lead by my amazing wife made it possible. Not to mention the inspiration given to me by Lilly and Poppy who were busy telling everyone back home that ‘Daddy’s climbing a mountain’. We would like to thank every single donor and person who has helped us raise currently £5901 of our £5k target, we are still collecting funds, so the final total is yet to be announced. We will of course publish the final figure as soon as we get it.”

More pictures and videos are available at www.makingmemories.life along with a blog update. You can still make a donation to this worthy cause.