After discovering the former site had been compromised we were advised that continuing to use it could have exposed us to further problems the Committee approved a quote we had for a new website. Working with developers at Liftoffmedia – a local company – we have designed and developed a new site which is in the early stages of being populated and we hope that the new look and ease of navigation will help you make use of the site.
We do hope you will spend time reading the 300 Club section. If you are not a member I would encourage you to consider the aims of this Club and if you can, support what is an excellent cause.
We intend to keep the site up to date, informative and relevant but are depending on you to supply memories, stories for the archive group and also information about yourself for the ‘Where are they now’ pages. If you wish to supply information in whatever form please send it by email (if possible) to making the subject of the email – information for the website. If will be directed to me for inclusion etc.
If you have any memorabilia of your time at College, which you are happy to lodge with the Archives please send it to OSA Scarborough College, Filey Road, Scarborough, YO11 3BA. If you live in the Scarborough area (the town and as far north as Cloughton, as far west as Brompton, and as far south as Filey we might be able to collect). Please send an email to making the subject of the email – collection of memorabilia. Clearly if this involves just a few blue books it might not be viable to make a special journey and we might have to wait until we get other requests from the same area.
Do keep in touch. This is your Association and we hope to see you at an OSA function in the near future. The next event is the OSA Ball – advertised on the News Page.
Best wishes
John Rowlands