The March Reunion attracted around 30 members who had a superb experience tasting six gins and numerous tonics. The event featured McMillans of Malton run by former member of staff, Jimmy McMillan. All had an exceptionally educational and enjoyable experience. For the less adventurous there was a bar serving beers and wine.
Excellent food was served – and many thanks go to the catering team for their hard work and attention to detail.
Amongst the attendees were a dozen former members of Bankory House who had been at school some 35 years ago. They were meeting up for the first time and although their former Housemistress Carol More was unable to attend she sent a message hoping that the girls would keep in touch with her and that she missed them.
The evening ended with the 300 Club draw, for information see the 300 Club page. We are now looking at organising March 2020 Reunion which will be an evening for the former students of the 60s.