
March 2022 Reunion – Celebrating 50 years of co-education

Dear OS,

The March Reunion is almost  upon us and it is with great pleasure that we invite you to purchase your tickets. Please see the images for further details about the event, to be held on Saturday 12th March at Scarborough RUFC. The Reunion is open to all former students of Scarborough College.

To purchase your ticket, please contact the OSA via email: osa@scarboroughcollegeosa.co.uk . The deadline for purchase is March 1st

The College will be open from 2pm until 4pm on Saturday 12th for former students to have a look around the school. If you would like to book a place on the tour of the main building at 2pm, please email us.

On Sunday 13th March at 11am, we hope to hold a men’s, ladies’ or mixed hockey match. Please let us know if you wish to play.

Best wishes,


OSA Alumni Officer