OSA Ball 2

OSA Ball 2024

A reminder that the OSA Ball takes place on Saturday, November 9th at the Spa.

Details are in the flyer displayed below.

Leavers of 2024 are entitled to a free ticket on condition that they are full members of the OSA. Letters were distributed with IB results and fell into three categories, those who are Full members, those who need to pay the rest of their subscription – £25 and those who have paid nothing.

If you are unsure which category you are in please email the OSA – osa@scarboroughcollegeosa.co.uk and we will advise you.

For tickets, scan the QR code and book on line via the College Box Office.
For further details ring 01713 360620
or email osaball@scarboroughcollege.co.uk

OSA students are fully paid up members of the OSA and are currently in full time education.


Commemoration of the life of Ian Parkinson

Annie Parkinson wishes you to know that ‘The celebration of Ian Parkinson’s life will be very informal, a gathering, where people can talk, reminisce, share memories of Ian , enjoy some food and drink and stay for as long as they want. There is no order of service, just a welcome as people arrive and many , many thanks to all those who have shared their memories of Ian. ‘

This will take place on Tuesday 27th August, 2:30-5:30pm at Lisvane Hall, Scarborough College YO11 3BA
Light refreshments provided
Please use the entrance on Deepdale Ave
RSVP – annieparkinson2015@gmail.com by Friday 23rd August – this will help with catering
No dress code.


Ian Parkinson

Ian Parkinson has sadly passed away, at home on 31st July, aged 83. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family. There will be a private funeral but his life as an artist, photographer and former Head of Art at the College from 1973 until his retirement in 2001 will be commemorated at a later date. Please contact Annie Parkinson (annieparkinson2015@gmail.com) if you would like to attend the commemoration. However, please understand that the reply is likely to take some time, given all she has to do.

Ian Parkinson joined the staff of Scarborough College in 1973, 28 years later, his service to the Art Department came to an end with his retirement at the end of the Summer Term 2001.

The following tribute is from the School Report 2001

“Ian’s teaching was often inspiring and always generous. Notionally a part-time colleague, he often gave up an evening, weekend or part of a holiday to provide extra-tuition, and to give his students every additional opportunity to reach the exacting standards he set. An expert photographer himself, he regularly offered Photography sessions on an extra-curricular basis, and, more often than note these were over-subscribed. Past productions such as Oedipus the King and O What a Lovely War! owe much to his shrewdly conceived and patiently crafted stage designs. Parents always appreciated the care and sheer detail he would invariably provide in his end of term reports, even though they were sometimes defeated by his hieroglyphic handwriting. A kindly and well-read colleague, very much of the old school, with a dry sense of humour and apparently endless patience, Ian Parkinson has given outstanding service to Scarborough College, and we wish him a long and happy retirement.”

2014 Alumni Award – Peter Caton.
In his final year at the College, everything changed. Ian Parkinson, Head of the Art Department, took Peter’s class on a photography outing. Ian felt that Peter showed some natural ability and encouraged him to concentrate his class time on photography. This encouraged him to believe that he had the ability to make a career in the subject.
Peter was accepted to study photography at Cleveland College of Art & Design in 1994, where he was the only student to specialise in social issues rather than the more popular sport and fashion programs.
 He graduated with a BA (Hons) in Photography in 1998 and determined to make his way as a freelance photojournalist. Peter’s next step was to raise funds to purchase photography equipment, and he spent time working in a club in London where he experienced social issues rather different to those he would encounter later in his career!
In 2000 Peter and his camera set off to explore India. During his travels, he was asked by Greenpeace to document the 18th Anniversary of the Bhopal disaster where 20,000 people died from a toxic chemical leakage. Peter stayed on in Bhopal, living in the slums and focussing his photography on the problems experienced by the women who lived there.  This resulted in a seven page article in various Marie Clare magazines around the world. He then undertook freelance work covering the fight to eradicate leprosy, spending time living in a leper colony in India.  This resulted in three of his photographs being exhibited in the National Portrait Gallery in London.
Greenpeace subsequently commissioned Peter to act as photographer on the Rainbow Warrior in their Cut Coal Save Climate campaign. Subsequently, Peter committed himself to living out of two rucksacks and basing himself in India as a freelance professional.  More work was soon to come his, way including a study of climate refugees in the Sundarban regions of India which increased his interest in global warming.


OSA Reunion 2024 – The Musicals of Bill Scott

The photos from The OSA Reunion 2024 are now live! Click the link below to have a look through.
Thank you to photographer Richard Ponter.

Some 100 OSs enjoyed an evening at the Musicals of Bill Scott, covering some 20 years at the college. The Alumni Award was presented to Rudi Barman (1990-97) for his outstanding service and bravery with the RNLI, for which he was awarded the RNLI Bronze Medal for Gallantry (full details available https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-33766013)

OSA AGM 2024

OSA Annual General Meeting 2024

The 2024 AGM will take place on Saturday 18th May to be held in the  Sixth Form Café at College, starting at 12:00 pm

The following papers are attached:

AGM Agenda 2024

OSA AGM 2023 minutes

OSA Accounts 30-09-2023 – for AGM 2024


OSA Rules 2017 Updated 2023

If you intend to attend please let us know  by sending an email to osa@scarboroughcollegeosa.co.uk

A reminder re Proposals:

(a) Proposals to be made at an Annual General Meeting must be sent by email to osa@scarboroughcollegeosa.co.uk or by letter to OSA, Scarborough College, Filey Rd, Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO11 3BA and include the name of a proposer and seconder.

(b) The name of the proposer and seconder will be read out at any Annual General Meeting and reasonable discussion shall be allowed on the subject matter. Any Amendments from the floor of the meeting to proposals must receive the support of a “Seconder’ and the vote on any amendment will be voted upon first. Any Proposals require a majority of two thirds of those present and entitled to vote before the Proposal may be adopted.

(c) “Any Other Business”, No business will be accepted under this heading as a proposal not previously advised to the Chairman but recommendations may be made for the Committee’s future action.

All proposals must be received by May 4th 2024

JS Rowlands



PW go fund me

Help Phil rebuild his life after brain injury

Zoe Harrison is organising this fundraising appeal on behalf of Sarah Grice


28 November 2022. A date that Phil Wilson, his partner Sarah, and their families and friends will never forget.

At 5.25 p.m., as Phil prepared to head home at the end of another working day at Scarborough College, he suffered a sudden, life-threatening intracerebral haemorrhage. Thanks to the resourcefulness, quick-thinking and expertise of colleagues and NHS staff throughout that evening and the long night that followed, Phil survived against all the odds.

Put simply, the prognosis for Phil was ‘not good’. His chances of survival, even after emergency surgery at Hull Royal Infirmary, were slim. What the surgery gave him, in the words of his neurosurgeon, was ‘a fighting chance’. For several weeks, as Phil’s life hung in the balance in the ICU, there was no guarantee of any form of recovery; the only certainty was that it would be ‘a long road’.

Now, after nearly a year in hospital and neuro rehab, Phil needs your help as he continues his rehab journey.

For all who know him, Phil’s name has become inseparable from Scarborough College over the best part of six decades. Known and loved by hundreds of families, colleagues and friends who have experienced his teaching and coaching, been entertained by his humour, and benefited from his kindness and compassion, it’s no exaggeration to say he achieved legendary status within the school and its wider community.

From his formative years as a Lodge House student, to his ‘poacher turned gamekeeper’ decades as a teacher of Business Studies and Psychology, Phil turned his hand to a number of roles: a multi-talented and passionate sports coach, Housemaster, Form Tutor, Head of Tier and, most recently, Senior Master. He was always there for others and truly embodied the phrase ‘above and beyond’. If you needed someone to go that extra mile, often behind the wheel of a College minibus, Phil was your man.

After nearly 60 years, Phil’s entire life has been connected with Scarborough College, but Sarah had also become a valued member of the school community. An inspiring English teacher and Head of English, Housemistress and member of the school’s Senior Leadership Team she, like Phil, gave her all to the school. The events of 28 November 2022 resulted in the overnight loss of two key figures from the College community. Although it was not apparent at the time, Phil’s collapse at school marked the end of both their careers at a place they both loved and had imagined working in until retirement. In an instant, any certainty they had about their future together was gone.

The last sixteen months have been incredibly challenging for Phil and Sarah, but they have always felt encouraged and supported by the outpouring of love and support from family, friends and the wider College community. The early months of Phil’s recovery journey took him on a tour of Yorkshire hospitals: from Hull to Scarborough, then a spell in Bridlington, before he was offered an inpatient rehab place at Woodlands Neurological Rehabilitation Centre in York. Phil still remembers nothing of that time.

It was at Woodlands that the months of hard graft and incremental progress truly began, as Phil embarked on a schedule of intensive physio, occupational therapy, and speech and language therapy designed to help him regain function and some degree of independence, both physically and cognitively. As Phil began to slowly understand what had happened to him and the long-term implications of his brain injury, he also received counselling to help him process and come to terms with all the ways in which his life had changed

After nearly 9 months of intensive rehab, Phil was discharged from Woodlands on 20 October 2023. A day of much celebration but also trepidation. Being out in the world after so long was daunting for Phil. Adjusting to a life so very different to the one he remembers remains an ongoing challenge. His homecoming was daunting for Sarah too. She was at Phil’s side throughout his time in hospital and Woodlands, visiting daily and attending therapy sessions as his number 1 cheerleader, but becoming his full time carer without the safety blanket of the Woodlands team to rely on was a whole new challenge.

Phil’s months in rehab saw many little triumphs but he still needs a lot of help and support with daily living activities and accessing the wider world. His recovery thus far has already defied the odds but, despite acknowledging how far he has come, he still feels a long way from the man he was and remains focused on making further progress over the coming months.

To facilitate that progress and keep hope alive, Phil needs help to access specialist neuro rehab, expert optometry and the support of a neuropsychologist. Since leaving Woodlands, Sarah has searched to find the right people to support Phil achieve the best possible rehab outcomes, but their services come at a price. Throughout this life-changing experience, Sarah and Phil have always been mindful that, even in the darkest of times, there are always things to be grateful for, always people in worse situations, but the premature end to their careers, the subsequent loss of income, and the need to sell their home in Scarborough has left them with nothing to fall back on.

This GoFundMe campaign enables you to contribute to the following:

£100 = a counselling session with a consultant clinical neuropsychologist.
£125 = a 1:1 session of specialist neuro physio at MOTIONRehab in Hull.
£125 = an assessment and therapy session with a private optometrist.
£800 = to purchase a Rollz Motion Performance 2 in 1 all-terrain rollator and wheelchair.

Any amount you can give, however small, will make a difference. A donation of £10 will help cover weekly travel expenses; £30 will go a long way towards a physio session; £50 will support ongoing specialist optometry; £100 will cover the cost of an invaluable counselling session as Phil adjusts to life post-injury.

As a former schoolmate, colleague, parent of a pupil who Phil taught and mentored, and a friend for over 40 years, I am asking you to join with me to help PJ, and Sarah, as they face the challenges life has thrown at them.

Please donate what you can and share their story. The whole idea of crowdfunding has not sat easily with either Phil or Sarah, and they have taken some persuading. I have reassured them that ever since 28 November 2022 many of you have asked: what can I do to help and when? Here is your answer: support this campaign; the time is now.

Thank you for reading. Let’s do all we can to make sure Phil, PJ, Mr Wilson, PJW, Philippe feels the love as he continues on his rehab journey.

Zoë Harrison

On behalf of Phil and Sarah

Olivier nomination Rob H

Olivier Awards nominations

Huge congratulations to OS Rob Hastie, Artistic Director of Sheffield Theatres, for his incredible achievement! Rob’s direction of ‘Operation Mincemeat’ has earned the show an incredible 6 Olivier Awards 2024 nominations, one of which being ‘Best New Musical’! This recognition is a testament to the immense talent and dedication of everyone involved in bringing this captivating production to life.

Let’s all cheer Rob and the entire team on as they head towards the prestigious awards ceremony!

Bill 5

Musicals of Bill Scott – Reunion 2024

Join us on May 18th for an evening at the musicals with Bill Scott.

If any one or group of OSs would like to relive their performance(s) in a musical – alone of with others who also took part –  do let us know (musical & song) . We shall pass the information on to Bill.

All information re the weekend


Saturday 18 May

OSA Annual General Meeting – 12.00 p.m.
School Tours – 1.00 p.m. – these need to be booked with the OSA – see below
Evening Reunion – 6.30 p.m.
‘A Night at the Musicals’ with Bill Scott. Saturday 18th May
Venue: Scarborough College – Lisvane Hall
Dress code: Smart Casual
Tickets £15, to include buffet dinner

Sunday 19 May
Cricket Fixture, OSA vs Scarborough
College – 11.00 a.m.

To book your tickets to the evening event, please go to

Box Office and Events

If you would like to attend the events (AGM, Tour etc), please state this when you are booking, or email

Tree 2

Merry Christmas to all!

A very successful term has just ended and the Committee wishes all members of the OSA a Merry Christmas and we hope that you have a Happy 2024. Keep an eye on social media and the website for details of the OSA summer Reunion which will be held on the weekend of May 18th!

300 Club Draw

300 Club

At the last meeting of the year for the Local Group of the OSA Committee, the Xmas draw for the 300 Club took place. Headmaster Guy Emmett and OSA President Miles Cartwright are pictured showing the winning number – 63. Bernard Fletcher will be receiving his prize of £100 very soon.

The 300 Club raises funds which are targeted to support a local student, new to the Sixth Form whose personal circumstances require some financial support to help them through the IB Years. Membership of the 300 Club costs £10 a quarter – equivalent to 11p a day. It you are willing to support this worthy cause you can access the application form from the OSA website:


Alternatively contact the OSA on osa@scarboroughcollegeosa.co.uk for further information.


OSA Ball 2023

Some 200 OSA members, parents, staff and friends enjoyed an excellent evening at the Spa. A fire alarm, just before the first course had been served, necessitating an evacuation into the rain for some 20 minutes whilst the fire brigade checked the venue did not dampen spirits.

At the start of the event, president Miles Cartwright provided an overview of how the OSA has helped the school and students over the past 6 years. Some £40,000 has been allocated to worthy causes, students and projects, the latest being a contribution to the purchase of hurdles for the Bramcote Running Track.

Past President Revd. Tim Jones paid tribute to Zoe Harrison who has recently stepped down from her role as Marketing Manager to spend more time on the family farming business. She has been associated with the College for over 40 years in a variety of roles. Both Zoe and Tim started as boarders at Lisvane in 1978!

Following the meal and raffle we enjoyed music from the Wave and the opportunity to catch up.

The photos from The OSA Ball can now be viewed, downloaded, and shared from our Flickr account via the links below. Many thanks to photographer Richard Ponter for capturing the two special events. We hope you enjoy looking through and sharing with family and friends.




Prize Giving 2023

Guests of Honour at this year’s Prize Giving were Old Scardeburgians Robert Hastie & Ben Taylor.

Robert Hastie is an award-winning theatre director of plays and musicals, and is Artistic Director of The Sheffield Crucible.Rob spent seven years at Scarborough College, leaving in 1995. He spent a year travelling with Ben and working at the Stephen Joseph Theatre, and then went to Cambridge University to study English. He then trained as an actor at RADA, and spent eight years performing in theatres around the country, including the Royal Shakespeare Company and the National Theatre. In 2011 he started directing, working first as an assistant on Much Ado About Nothing with David Tennant and Catherine Tate. He went on to be nominated for Best Newcomer by the London Evening Standard, and became Associate Director of the Donmar Warehouse in 2014, where he worked with actors including Jonathan Bailey, Tom Hiddleston and Mark Gatiss. In 2016 he was appointed Artistic Director of Sheffield Theatres, running the Crucible, Lyceum and Playhouse, where recent productions have included Life of Pi, Everybody’s Talking About Jamie, The Wizard of Oz and Miss Saigon. Sheffield was awarded UK Theatre of the Year by The Stage in 2017 and 2020, and Rob named Best Director at the UK Theatre Awards. Next year he will have two shows running in London’s West End, Operation Mincemeat and the Olivier Award-winning Standing at the Sky’s Edge.

Ben Taylor is an internationally-acclaimed TV and film director.He lives in London with his wife and two young sons and is delighted to be invited back to his old school. The son of former Lisvane headmaster Ian Taylor, Ben’s Scarborough College career took him from Reception (1982) all the way through to Sixth Form where he served as a Prefect in his final year (1995). Following a travel & adventure-filled gap year with Rob, Ben began a degree in Film & TV Studies at Staffordshire University, graduating in 1999 with a First. After moving to London, he worked his way up from runner to director in the world of music videos, producing work for the likes of Girls Aloud & McFly. Ben caught his break in TV comedy with the BAFTA-nominated sketch show ‘Cardinal Burns’ and set up and directed all episodes of Series 1-3 of BAFTA-winning sitcom ‘Catastrophe’ – both for Channel 4. More recently he was Director and Executive Producer of the Netflix global hit ‘Sex Education’ Series 1-3, earning him an International Emmy. This year he has directed the 18th century Disney adventure series ‘Renegade Nell’, written by Sally Wainwright. Ben has just completed filming on his debut feature film, JOY, written by Jack Thorne, starring Bill Nighy, James Norton and Thomas in Mackenzie.

The photos from Prize Giving can be viewed, downloaded, and shared from our Flickr account via the links below. Many thanks to photographer Richard Ponter for capturing the two special events. We hope you enjoy looking through and sharing with family and friends.



Miles Cartwright


Started at Lisvane January 1964, and moved up to the College in 1967, and was a member of Pegg House. I left in 1971, and after initially working in Sales at Plaxtons, had a 35 year career in the Motor Trade starting as a junior salesman and finishing up as a Sales and General Manager. I was also Commercial Manager for Doncaster Rovers FC from 1999-2001, I’m currently employed in the local transport industry.


John Rowlands


I joined the staff in April 1979 as Head of Geography.  The CCF (RN), 2nd XV and  an unforgettable school visit to USSR, Russian Roulette, Lyke Wake Walk, Whitby Whale Walk, were followed by five years in charge of Lodge House from 1983 until I was appointed Deputy Head in 1988. In 1993 I moved to North Wales to take on a Headship. In 2010 I retired, got involved with the OSA, became a Governor – Chairing the Education & Welfare Committee and am the Governor with an overview of Boarding.


Alistair Postle


I arrived at Scarborough College to board at the age of 13 and I stayed for 5 years until 1974.

My best subject was Latin (how handy has that been?) and Maths. What happened to logarithms? I became an accountant and am now the Treasurer of the OSA. I really enjoyed school apart the lessons and sport!


Liz Ashworth


I was very young when I became the Headmaster’s Secretary in 1969. In 1975 I left to get married and went to live in the Dales.

I worked for Denys Crews through to his retirement and then for Richard Wilkinson for a short while.

My time at the College covered the transition to admitting girls – such changes!

I returned to Scarborough in 1983 and have kept in touch with the College since, with two daughters attending, and also having kept in touch with a number of Old Boys and Girls.

I have now retired and two years ago I was invited to assist with the OSA. I was delighted to accept and even more so when later I was asked if I would become the Secretary.

Working for Denys Crews and Scarborough College changed my life. Denys and his wife were wonderful people and I have so many memories of the boys and girls, the staff and of the time I spent there.


John Isles

Committee Member : Archivist. I attended Scarborough College from 1960 – 1965. I was in Lodge House which consisted at the time of two houses opposite the College in Filey Road. Norman Gee was the Housemaster and Denys Crews was the Headmaster. I represented the School at all levels of Cricket and in my last year reached the dizzy heights of House Prefect. Hindsight is often viewed through rose coloured glasses but it was a very enjoyable time of my life. It taught us respect, good behaviour and the ability to stand on our own two feet, something that has served me well throughout my life. I wasn’t interested in academic qualifications, assuming I would work for my Father. What a shock to be told in 1965 I should go out and ruin someone else’s business; not his! However the ethics and principles I learnt at the College meant I did just that. I started my working life at Leyland Motors followed by18 years with the Sun Alliance Group. I had always had a desire to run my own show and I started my own business in Marketing and Training and continue in that field today. I married Jean in 1971 and shall be ever grateful for Scarborough College.


Mat Watkinson

Committee Member:

I joined Scarborough College in 1961, aged 10, as a scholarship pupil and left in 1969. I didn’t get on with my university course and left to manage record shops and to become a DJ in a rock club.  I joined the BBC in 1987 and qualified as a journalist, spending 20 years as a reporter for radio and TV. I worked for  local mental health charities for four years following this in 2011, I became a voice artist and scriptwriter. Although I’m now officially retired, I continue to provide support to Scarborough’s Stephen Joseph Theatre, giving public readings of work by new writers and rehearsed readings of submitted scripts.